Thursday, August 22, 2013

For a Walk

I decided to go for a walk alone. I had not been to the Elven Forest in a long time so off I went. As I was wandering down the windy stone path of steps I saw some castle ruins. My shoes clicking on the old cracked cobblestones I stumble my way in. The rooms were huge and full of steps that go to other areas of ruin.

I saw a huge glass case in the middle of a giant empty room sitting on the old stone tiles. I had to jump in and see what it was like.......

My Last Breath
please click image to see larger

Since I was there alone I had no prince charming to save me from my last breath.........

The Elven Forest is still there even after all the elvish left..... it's waiting for you....

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Come see the SecondLIfe Cheerleading Squad perform at PRIM Entertainment Center

This Wednesday August 14th at 6pm SLT the Second Life Cheerleading Squad (SLCS) will be performing live at Prim Dance club!  SLCS is one of the oldest cheering squads in SL, and we train hard and put on an amazing show!  its uniquie, and fun!  So grab your friends and come out the awesome venu at PRIM!  
Prim offers a wide selection of activities:
  • Dance club with fun events every evening 
  • Roller Skating Rink
  • Game Center
  • Movie Theater
  • Beautifully landscaped public island complete with FishHunt and 7Seas fishing
  • Shopping Mall

Monday, August 5, 2013

Zuri Jewelry Spotlight

Today, Nadya and I worked on a blog post about Zuri Jewelry. Here is a little tidbit of information for you.

Metaverse Pageantry

Now after seeing that... I am a little giddy about the blog post :) Rayna~Butterfly Dreams

 Please feel free to visit my studio facebook page if you like my photographs and be sure to hit the "like" button up top. MagickSTUDIOs Facebook

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Chain of Reblogging

I have decided to Reblog a blog to my blog then to Reblog that blog to right here... giggles. I mean really out of the silliness I can come up with this is pretty good for right now. So a friend of mine and I are blogging about Second Life fashions and anything that comes up. I started the blog and got Nadya in as admin and she is running with it!!! I gave her some pointers on snapshot taking and she is now posting her own blogs in there... Check her out why don't you :) Redvelvet Cake and La Belle Vie

Also, if you like the pictures we post please feel free to visit my studio page on Facebook and click the "Like" button up top, you will be glad you did!! MagickSTUDIO's Facebook page